Massimo Tamburini

Mobile Developer
Fullstack Developer

Software Developer


Work in progress!

I'm working hard to bring to life some idea I've in mind, I'll show them here soon.
Meanwhile you can check my curriculum or take a look at my Github profile

I created an application called "Binander" in Flutter for Windows, MacOS and Android: it is possible to create bots that can submit buy and sell orders using the Binance API.
Currently there is only "minimize losses" bot type. With this strategy, the bot will repeatedly check the price of the chosen cryptocurrency and try to move sell orders up whenever the price rises.
It is possible to start, pause, stop and delete bots, create bots linked to Binance's Testnet or Pubnet and check all the bot submitted orders with their data.
The data are saved in a json file.

NOTE: I'm suggest you to use this bot for test only, I am not responsible of any losses or malfunction.